Investor Relations
Easy yet attractive,
all-inclusive but uncomplicated IRbook
IR Book
We will complete the IR data for your company,
from creating content to the design.

This is a material used for presenting or convincing investors face-to-face. It unfolds the necessity and vision of the business through storytelling, with the presenter-centered contents and design.
- + Attracting venture capital investment
- + Attracting angel investment
- + Crowdfunding
- + IR presentation
Submission (printing) data created for specific targets such as investors, shareholders, and analysts. It is composed of easy and detailed information so that it can be read and understood without face-to-face explanation. The differentiated designs focus on maximizing the attractiveness of the business.
- + Investment / Loan / PF for financial institutions
- + Attracting venture capital investment
- + M&A, IPO
- + Attracting angel investment
This is a regular publication produced based on the company’s quarterly / half yearly / yearly management performance. The differentiated composition and design enable active communication with shareholders and related parties, thereby improving corporate value.
- + KOSPI, KOSDAQ, KONEX companies
- + Companies subject to external audit
- + Companies subject to external audit
- + OTC stock trading companies
This is a business performance report issued once a year and is produced in high quality as a brochure. As it covers the company’s performance of the year, a lot of effort is put into organizing and designing the content, and is published through online/offline.
- + KOSPI, KOSDAQ, KONEX companies
- + Medium and large companies
- + Public companies, foundations, associations
Business Document
When I handed a note,
it came back as the document of my dream.
Business Plan & Proposal
Got only ideas? It’s OK! Just want the designs done? It’s OK!
We create a variety of documents that can add wings to your business.

This document is used to achieve various purposes such as attracting investments, winning government projects, obtaining various licenses, and lending/loaning by introducing the company’s projects in-progress or new, and describing the future plans in detail.
- + For investment attraction (venture capital, angel investment, companies, etc.)
- + For loans (financial sectors, public institutions, etc.)
- + For policy fund (Technology Credit Guarantee Fund, Small and Medium Business Administration, etc.)
- + For various permits and qualifications
Documents submitted to other companies or organizations to achieve special purposes. Except for bidding proposals that have a designated form, it is a document that reveals the ability of the proposer as it can be freely designed regardless of the format.
- + For bidding
- + For product delivery
- + For business proposal
- + For business partnership
Essential document for all businesses in every field. This is the most fundamental document that introduces the basic factors and business areas of the company; it effectively appeals the company’s excellence including introduction of its performance and product (service).
- + Company introduction
- + For sales
- + Company overview for construction company / executive agency / sales agency
- + Basic attached documents for various proposals
This document is used for persuasion, lectures, presentations, proposals and more in face-to-face settings. This is a document that enables the audience to focus on the presentation via the presenter-oriented storyboard, attention-oriented design and screen design.
- + Investment attraction briefing
- + Business Introduction
- + Education / Seminar Presentation
- + Competition PT
Production Process
We provide high-quality IR data through a
systematic production process of 8 steps.
* IR material production period: about 15 days (based on business days)


BK컴퍼니 IR

썬로이 IR

한국금거래소 IR

한화트루윈 IR

윙스타바이오 IR

어뮤즈뱅크 제안서

레메디 IR

다다씨앤씨 IR

엘앤디전자 IR

데이지크 IR

친구랑공부랑 사업계획서

푸드포트 IR

BIFAN 협찬제안서

마인더 IR

트루윈 IR

로웸 IR 발표용

로웸 IR




Nursing XR 회사소개서

커서스바이오 IR

딥퍼셉션 회사소개서

레이메트릭스 회사소개서


스마트큐브 IR